Tuesday, November 9, 2010

♥ Special thanks to you ♥

Time really flies so fast.. Now, I have landed into the 25th year of my life. Yes 25… BestFreeDesign.Com border=… Ops! I'm supposed to be excited getting older! BestFreeDesign.Com border=... I’ve received many kind of birthday wishes from the wonderful and lovely people, my family members, my good friends, my new friends, and even from the people that I never met or talk before! (my FB friends).
I must say all of your wishes is simply amazing because it really makes me happy BestFreeDesign.Com border=and you guys really make my day. It was one of the bestDAY in my life and on my birthDAY.

I feel so blessed to be where I am, I feel so loved to have such wonderful friends and wonderful people around me... BestFreeDesign.Com border= ... Especially my family members, my close besties and my Beau... Thanks a lot Beau... I'm grateful to have you in my life...
I’m so grateful that I’m not measured of what I’ve done but more of who I am and those who’ve I’ve surrounded myself with.BestFreeDesign.Com border=

"Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart."

I’m getting older... that’s for sure. Some women are fearful of aging. BestFreeDesign.Com border=But, as for me, why should we feel so? BestFreeDesign.Com border=
Well, growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
~Mark Twain~”

When you are old, you had many experiences in your ife that makes you wiser and a good teacher for certain people. It could be your friends, your beloved brother or sister, your beloved one and even for your future kids. Growing old made better by real life experiences and knowledge that nobody could put a price on.
Unless if you are living in this life for nothing. Nothing means, you ignore BestFreeDesign.Com border=and did not learn from people you interacted with, from knowledge that you did not value, and not loving along the way…

“To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.”
~Kofi Annan~

Thank you to those who’ve always motivated me and pushed me to greater heights. Also to those who has given me support, prayers and encouragement through my tough time. BestFreeDesign.Com border=

They are really appreciated and it means a lot to me.

“Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. And you can do it when things are tough.”
~Richard M. DeVos~

For those who never met me or talk to me before, basically im a simple and ordinary girl born in Felda Bukit Goh, Pahang. I did not come from a wealthy family... but I'm grateful to have one big happy family. BestFreeDesign.Com border=
I must say that my family and my beloved one is my priority in my life, besides my good friends, my own future (thinga that I want to achieve / my goal @ interest). I'm a person who just want to live in a simple life, do the things which could makes me happy, makes those people whom I love happy... and I will always keep trying to achieve my dreams BestFreeDesign.Com border=

That's basically about Juliana Md Saman a.k.a Juliana Violet / Vee Violet.

Last but not least, I'm sorry if I have done anything to upset you or hurt your feelings. To hurt anyone's feelings as it truly was not my intention. Please also forgive me for any wrongdoings I have done.

Once again I thank you all for the wonderful wishes.
Mmmwaaaahhhh to everyone who wished me.

With Love,


erolnukman said...

hi..selamat hari jadi...semoga panjang umur murah rezeki..=)

speckurosaklagi said...

happy besday to you juliana...im blogger not fb..hahahha...

have a nice day besday girll....

achik ezam said...

laaaa lahir kt panag ke...

no wonderlah cantik..

almaklum org pahang kannnn....

lelagi kuala lipis...


p.s:beau kasik apa???

eh nk jugak kepoh..


♥ Juliana Violet ♥ said...

Erolnukman ♥,
Thank you so much!!! ^^

Spec ♥,
hee hee... okay... thanks Spec... =))

Ezam ♥,
Iye ke Vee cantik?
Ke orang Kuala Lipis tu aje? (^^,)
Beau kasi kasih sayang... lalalaaaa... =D

Dearie Pearls said...

Happy.. Happy Birthday Sweetie...

May God bless ya and hopefully all ya dreams will come true..

take care and Happy Birthday again..


hepi besday V....♥
